How do I Protect my Plants from the Cold?

As the seasons change, so must our gardening habits. Depending on your geographic location, you may be able to continue growing certain items, or you may need to simply prep your soil to endure a harsh winter. If you are one of the many who started gardening for the first time during quarantine, there will definitely be the following question: How do I protect all of my hard work?

First off, you need to get those weeds out of there. Make sure you pull them up by the roots to prevent them from growing back. If you have plants in your garden that aren’t perennials, you can take those out as well.

Perennials should (of course) stay so that they are ready to come back next season. In order to help keep the perennials viable, you might want to invest in some sort of covering for your garden. You can go with a cloche or a blanket style — either way, your plants will be protected.

Before you cover them for the winter, add some extra mulch , some compost tea and give your garden a good last drink of water. This will help keep the plants healthy and protect them from a frigid death.

These are just a few basic steps to help make sure that your soil and perennials are ready to go once spring comes back around. Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste — make sure you are ready! Because, whether we like it or not, winter is indeed coming.

If any of these ideas intrigue you, here are the links again (as Amazon affiliates, we get a little $ through qualifying purchases!)

Cloche garden cover
Blanket garden cover
Compost tea

Author: William

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